Muscle Energy Techniques
This Muscle Energy Techniques online course is a must for any therapist or student in the field of sports therapy, osteopathy, physiotherapy, chiropractic, yoga, pilates and functional anatomy.
You will learn
In this course you’ll learn how to identify specific soft tissue dysfunction and weakness within the musculo-skeletal system, and how to harness powerful Muscle Energy Techniques to restore function to your patients.
Author and lecturer John Gibbons brings years of expertise and this will be demonstrated during this course. First he will teach you the theory of METs, then, once that has been understood, he takes you on a Muscle Energy Technique ‘journey’. After demonstrating functional assessment testing for the postural muscles that typically become chronically tight and dysfunctional, he demonstrates how to apply specific METs to correct these dysfunctional muscles and restore normality.
On completion of the course you will have the knowledge and practical experience necessary to identify, assess and treat specific dysfunction within the musculo-skeletal framework and perform a variety of Muscle Energy Techniques that will help restore function.
The Bodymaster Method® is accredited by the Sports Therapy Organisation (STO)

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What You’ll Learn
Key areas covered in this course:
Muscle function vs dysfunction
Case study to identify muscular imbalances
Tonic vs phasic muscles
Outer core unit
Brief introduction to myofascial slings
The Gait Cycle & its relationship to the upper and lower extremities
What You’ll Learn
Key areas covered in this course:
Upper limb, lower limb, trunk & pelvis length tests
Treatment of hypertonic muscles using specific modalities of MET
MET techniques for the upper limb, lower limb, trunk & pelvis
Discussion of muscle firing patterns
Gmax, Gmed and their relationship to lower/upper limb pain
- Muscle weakness testing
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