Functional Anatomy
This online course in Functional Anatomy is a must for any therapist or student in the field of sports therapy, osteopathy, physiotherapy, chiropractic, yoga, pilates and personal training.
You will learn
Human anatomy is truly fascinating and is one of the reasons why I wanted to design a course specifically about this complex subject.
In my experience, student therapists struggle to learn the basic components of anatomy and this can be for many reasons. I wanted to design a course purely about functional anatomy and trust me, once enrolled, you will learn so much about the human body.
Author, osteopath and lecturer John Gibbons brings years of expertise and this will be demonstrated during this course. First he will teach you the theoretical components of anatomy; including the individual bones with associated bony landmarks, ligaments, nerves, muscles, tendons and movements for the major joints of the body. Once that has been understood, he takes you on a practical ‘journey’ of enlightenment through the visual presentations and interactions of using real life human anatomy.
On completion of the course you will have the underlying and fundamental anatomical knowledge necessary to identify and discuss the majority of the anatomical structures located within the human framework.
The Bodymaster Method® is accredited by the Sports Therapy Organisation (STO)

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What You’ll Learn
Key areas covered in this course:
Functional anatomy of the lower limb - ankle & foot complex
Anatomy & function of the knee complex
Functional anatomy of the hip joint
Anatomy & function of the pelvic girdle and sacroiliac joint
Functional anatomy of the lumbar spine
Anatomy & function of the cervical spine
- Cervical & brachial plexus
- Functional anatomy of the shoulder complex
- Muscles & motion of the shoulder complex
- Anatomy & function of the elbow & forearm
- Functional anatomy of the hand & wrist
- Carpal tunnel and guyon canal anatomy
- Median, ulnar, radial, musculocutaneous & axillary nerve anatomy
What You’ll Learn
Key areas covered in this course:
Joints, bones, landmarks, ligaments, muscles & tendons of the ankle & foot complex
Talocrural & subtalar joint
Nerves and motion of the ankle & foot complex
- Tibial, common fibular & plantar nerves
Bony landmarks, ligaments, muscles & tendons of the knee complex
Joints, nerves and motion of the knee joint
Proximal tibiofibular & patellofemoral joints
Bony landmarks, ligaments, muscles & tendons of the hip joint
Nerves - sciatic, femoral, gluteal & obturator nerve
Lumbar & sacral plexus
Landmarks, joints, ligaments of the lumbar spine
Intervertebral disc anatomy
Bony landmarks, ligaments, muscles & tendons of the cervical spine
- Carpal tunnel & median nerve anatomy
- Guyon canal & ulnar nerve anatomy
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